2024 workshops
Deadline extended! Sign up by August 31st!
Please email OregonFlockAndFiberEducation@gmail.com if you have any questions regarding classes.
Morning Classes are 9 to Noon
Afternoon Classes are 1:30 to 4:30
All Day Classes are 9 to 4:30 with an hour and a half for lunch
Botanical Printing: Natural Leaf Prints on Silk and Wool
In this introductory workshop you will learn how to permanently print the images of leaves onto fabric, using only the natural pigments found within each leaf. This is done by tightly bundling fabric and leaves, then heating it.�The resulting prints show the unique details of the plant and tell a story of season and place.
This workshop is designed to teach you the techniques you need to produce clear and detailed prints from leaves on fabric. In the morning you will work on small samples of silk and wool fabric, trying a variety of leaves and learning different bundling and folding techniques.
In the afternoon we will study our beautiful samples from the morning, then, choosing your favorite leaves and techniques, you will print a silk scarf to take home.
Fri All Day
Full Day

Materials provided
All fabric, supplies, and equipment. Handout outlining process and sources for materials so students can continue their botanical printing journey at home.
Please bring
Plastic bag to bring damp fabric home, Optional: Leaves from your home or garden to use/share. A list of suitable leaves and how to select them will be shared prior to class. Optional: small pieces of silk or wool fabric to print, as time allows. Plenty of fabric will be provided so don?t feel the need to buy anything just for this.
Advanced Rigid Heddle
Take your Rigid Heddle Loom to the next step! Now that you know how to warp your rigid heddle loom and weave a simple project such as a purse or a scarf, you are ready to move forward and advance your weaving skills using this fun loom.
This class is designed to teach how to do more advanced weaving techniques on a Rigid Heddle Loom. We will explore advanced weave structures while you weave a sampler that can be used as a purse or decorative throw pillow.
You will leave the class with a completed sampler and the ability to use your Rigid Heddle Loom on your own to weave a variety of advanced weave structures such as twill, basket weave, Turkish or Rya knots, pick and pick, soumak, tapestry, and lace.
Fri All Day
Full Day
Intermediate to Advanced Rigid Heddle weaver

Materials provided
? Warp Yarns ? Weft Yarns ? Use of extra weaving equipment and tools during class ? Detailed Handout
Please bring
? An assembled Rigid Heddle loom with all of its accessories such as all rigid heddles you may have, shuttles, pick up stick, warping peg, etc. The loom will be warped in class. ? Shuttles (2 min) ? Pick up stick ? Scissors ? Tape measure ? Pen/Pencil
Student loom must be assembled prior to class so class time is focused on weaving and learning new techniques.
Spinning 201 - Intermediate Spinning, with Wheel Mechanics and Maintenance
Are you getting comfortable with your spinning, but want to take it to the next level? Do you think that you should be able to spin faster, or thinner, or thicker, or be more ?in charge? of your wheel? Are you thinking that you just need a bit of a refresher course on how to spin woolen or worsted? We?ll look at all of these things, learn some tricks, and will also look at a number of different types of wheels and how to get the most from them. Several different fibers will be supplied to work with, as well as some wheels to try that you may not have used before ? and find out if you agree with folks who think double drive wheels or spindles are better.
Fri All Day
Full Day
Able to spin a consistent singles yarn and are comfortable spinning several types of fibers

Materials provided
Handouts and Worksheets, all fiber to be used in class
Please bring
A spinning wheel in good working order ? If you have a Woolee Winder, please bring a standard flyer as well; at least 3-4 empty bobbins; lazy kate; a lap cloth if you have one; your standard spinning tool kit
Spinning 101 - Get to Know Your Wheel
Have you ever wanted to learn how to spin your own yarn? It?s fun, it?s relaxing, and I can show you how! In this beginning class, you?ll learn about wheels, spinning methods, best fiber for beginning spinners, and basic wheel maintenance. In the morning, we'll start with getting to know your wheel and how it works. After lunch, we'll move on to spinning singles and then plying. By the time you leave, you will have a basic understanding of your wheel and the skills to start spinning on your own. There is no experience needed and I?ll provide the fiber, tools, and a resource guide to get you on your way ? you just bring yourself and your wheel.
Fri All Day
Full Day

Materials provided
Materials include 2-3 ounces of prepared fiber for spinning in class, a WPI tool, and a resource guide with handouts, tips, and tricks.
Please bring
Students will need to bring their own spinning wheel with at least three empty bobbins and a lazy kate. Students should have a basic understanding of how their wheel works and all wheels must be in good working order and ready to use.
Test your wheel!
Hand Felted Slippers
In this wet feltng class we?ll start by making a pattern with a foam resist. You?ll learn how to calculate for shrinkage to make a pair of slippers that really fits. Then you?ll learn how to lay out the fiber in strategic layers and felt it into fabric using hot water and soap. Finally we?ll full (shrink) the slippers down to size and block them for a professional finish.
Students will come away with one completed pair of slippers and the know-how to make more for any sized foot. This technique does not require a shoe last so you really can do it at home without extra equipment. At the end of the class students will be given access to LeBrie?s step-by-step video on how to make felted slippers so you can populate the world with slippers.
Fri All Day
Full Day
This class is best for those with some feltng experience or scrappy beginners. Felting is physical and requires some stamina and upper arm strength. We will be standing some of the day and working hard!

Materials provided
4 oz. best quality merino wool roving Silk + other fun fibers for embellishment. Plastic resist material for your custom pattern. Instructional video (link emailed to you after the class).
Please bring
2 old towels, sharp scissors, a sharpie. Waterproof apron if you want it, and wear comfortable shoes!
Opening a Fiber Mill?
This course answers many of the fundamental questions for anyone looking to start a fiber mill ? to process from their own flock, to provide a small scale (300lb/month) processing service, or to launch a larger scale regional mill. Topics covered include business models, equipment options, space requirements, realistic labor projections, common supplies and materials sources, useful customer policies, and the current demand for processing in Oregon.
Extensive question and answer periods are anticipated.
Fri AM
1/2 Day

Materials provided
Informational handouts
Please bring
Beginner Punch Needle
Learn the basics of Punch Needle Rug hooking while completing two projects. First you will make a mug rug on Monk's cloth to learn the basic stitch lengths, don't worry there are only two! You will then go on to complete a project on a pre-stretched linen frame that will be ready to hang when you are done!
Fri AM
1/2 Day

Materials provided
Instructor will supply all of the materials needed to finish two projects in class. A Punch Needle and Hoop are provided to use during class.
Please bring
Beginner Crochet
This workshop will cover the basic crochet stitches and prepare you to take on any pattern. Become familiar with basic crochet stitches including single crochet, half double crochet, double crochet, triple crochet and the slip stitch. Learn about gauge, yarn weights, corresponding hooks, crochet tools, how to read crochet directions and yarn labels to prepare for any project! Appropriate for beginners or anyone who needs a little refresher.
Fri AM
1/2 Day

Materials provided
Crochet hook and yarn
Please bring
Wooly Witch
This Wooly Witch works up quickly with the creative use of core wool, and a few simple, signature methods Heidi teaches to create convincing details like wrinkled facial features, piercing eyes, a slumped hat with a narrow brim, and curled shoes. Each student will complete at least one Wooly Witch in class using hat, shoe, skin and other colors of their choice. Learn to make these now and create even more to share for Halloween!
Fri PM
1/2 Day
Advanced Beginner/Intermediate

Materials provided
Each kit includes enough core wool, colored wool fibers, felting needles, and armatures to create two Wooly Witches approximately 6.5 inches high.
Please bring
Needle felting pad or mason's sponge (available at home improvement stores for about $3.00), Optional: favorite felting tools if you have them and love to use it. (A multi-tool will be provided for in-class use.)
Knitting Variegated Yarn
Have you ever purchased a beautiful skein of hand dyed yarn that looks like mud when knit? Have you ever wondered why the pattern picture looks wonderful and your work does not?
Three essential steps are necessary for maintaining the beauty of a hand painted yarn, understanding the skein's color patterns;
choosing stitches that highlight the color pattern; and
selecting a pattern that creates a visual effect that is more than the sum of the stitches, fiber, and color.
Visually appealing fabrics are often Gestalt fabrics. This workshop introduces Gestalt theory for application in yarn purchase, knitting design, and pattern selection. Taught in a workbook format, students will analyze a range of variegated skeins, successful projects, and failed projects to identify stitches and patterns most suited to the unique characteristics of the yarn.
Fri PM
1/2 Day
Should know how to Cast On, Knit and Purl

Materials provided
Knitting Variegated Yarn Workbook
Please bring
Two skeins variegated yarn. No cakes.
Needle-felted Lighted Christmas Tree and Gifts
No room in your apartment for a 6-foot Douglas fir at Christmas? How about a 6-INCH tree? This workshop is your chance to make a charming mantelpiece tree decoration, including a few gifts to go beneath it. You'll be needle-felting your tree, a star to top the tree, and gifts to go under it. We'll weave in multi-colored battery-powered fairy lights, and you can add tiny alloy pine cones or beads as further decoration.
Fri PM
1/2 Day
All Levels

Materials provided
Wool batting, a wooden tree trunk, battery-powered fairy lights, wool in a variety of colors to make gifts from, ribbons, and beads. Supplies: a felting pad, a multi-needle tool, and needles.
Please bring
Bring a comfortable seat cushion if you'd like. If you have a single-needle holder, bring it with you.
Natural Dyes from Local Plants
You don?t need to purchase exotic natural dyes to create beautiful, permanent color! Amazing sources for natural dyes are all around us. In this class you will learn to identify a variety of local plants, as well as easy-to-grow garden flowers, and how to extract permanent colorings from them. You will learn to mordant (prepare) fiber to bind with natural dyes, how to dye protein fibers (silk and wool), and how to shift the color using modifiers, and how to care for your naturally dyed fiber.
Together we will dye wool yarn a multitude of colors and you will take home labeled samples of each, along with the know-how to create the colors again at home. But you won?t go home with just samples! In the afternoon you will have the opportunity to dye a small skein of yarn in a dye of your choice.
Sat All Day
Full Day

Materials provided
All yarn and a variety of local plants and fungi to use for dye. Handout outlining the dye plants used, fiber prep and dye process.
Please bring
Plastic bag to bring damp yarn home, Optional: notebook for taking notes
Let's Get Warped
Before you can weave, you have to be warped! Often considered one of the more challenging parts of the weaving craft, it is the base for the design of your finished item. Therefore, it is a very important part of the weaving process. Warping can be fun or at least a little easier if you know the basics and a few short cuts.
In this combination lecture and hands-on class, you will learn how to judge yarn for warp, how to calculate a warp, how to wind a warp using both the Direct (rigid heddle) and Indirect (rigid heddle and multi-shaft looms) methods using specific equipment, as well as how to dress the loom using efficient and time-tested techniques such as working with multiple warp threads and some unique equipment designed by the instructor.
Sat All Day
Full Day
All Levels

Materials provided
Detailed handout, warping frames (for use in class only), guide string, some warp materials, threading hooks.
Please bring
Scissors, tape measure, yarn for a warp (if desired for consultation), rigid heddle loom to warp along with all parts -or- a multi-shaft table loom; threading hooks.
Learn to Knit
Have you always wanted to knit but did not know where to begin? Did the class schedule pose problems? Did you know that knitting is a sport with rules, not just equipment?
This class introduces students to ?why it is done this way? knitting. A workbook, developed from yarn store teaching experience, gives the foundation to knit simple garments and explore stitch patterns.
There are three components to the class. Students will learn to read the stitches in a fabric, understand stitch behavior, and read a simple knitting pattern. Students will learn to cast on, cast off, knit and purl prototype swatches. The students will begin a simple scarf from a pattern.
Sat All Day
Full Day

Materials provided
Knitting Basics Workbook
Please bring
Sharp scissors; Pen or pencil with eraser; approximately 220 yds light colored, worsted weight yarn (wool or superwash wool preferred) ? US 6, US 7, or US 8 needles (1 circular 24? cord preferred)
Dye Your Own Gradient
Design your own gradient of knitting yarn, either a range from one hue to another, or a depth of shade gradient. Students will then formulate their dye recipes and dye seven 60 yard mini skeins of worsted weight wool. We will be handpainting the skeins and steaming them to set the dye. We will discuss how this can be applied to dyeing fiber to spin a gradient as well.
Sat All Day
Full Day
All Levels

Materials provided
Worsted weight wool yarn, dyes, plastic wrap
Please bring
Gloves, apron, sketchbook, pencil, eraser, colored pencils or crayons, three or four 1? wide foam brushes, roll of paper towels.
Plying is often the less appreciated part of spinning, after spinning the singles we?re impatiently looking forward to seeing and using our finished yarn. Plying, however, is an important part of the spinning process that can test our skills. In this workshop we?ll explore 2-ply, 3-ply, chain-ply and cabled yarns. Our finished yarns will benefit from our increased plying knowledge and skills!
Sat AM
1/2 Day
Advanced beginner or intermediate

Materials provided
Handout, fiber to be used in class, and some singles for practicing
Please bring
A spinning wheel in good working order ? If you have a Woolee Winder, please bring a standard flyer as well; at least 3-4 empty bobbins.; lazy kate; a lap cloth if you have one
None, though if you have any singles on bobbins that you?d like to work with, bring them along
Knitting with Beads
Beads can add incredible texture to your knitting, and there are many different methods to explore. Kira will show you how to do a simple beaded cast-on, then four different ways of placing the beads on your knitting (and making sure they show on the correct side). Come explore this fascinating technique and get inspired to add beads to your future projects.
Sat AM
1/2 Day
Advanced Beginner - must know how to cast on, knit, and purl

Materials provided
Yarn, beads in two sizes, beading needle, steel crochet hook, beading tray, bag
Please bring
Knitting needles in US size 4-6 (3.5-4mm) - any of these sizes will do
Beyond Sheep, Spinning Other Fiber Animals
For the spinner who wants to learn about and try spinning a variety of other spin-able fibers. We will cover Angora rabbit, mohair, llama, the camelids: Huacaya and Suri alpaca and camel, dog fur and one mystery fiber. This will be an overview class, with a chance to cover 9 different fibers. A fairly fast paced class concentrating on trying new fibers and blends. We will cover information on each fiber as well as spin samples to take home.
Sat AM
1/2 Day

Materials provided
18+ fiber samples
Please bring
Spinning wheel in good working order, extra bobbins.
Managing Common Small Ruminant Medical Emergencies Or When To Call The Vet
This workshop will be a discussion of the most common small ruminant medical problems our producers see, what folks can do at home and when it is best to call for veterinary back-up. Topics discussed include: dystocia, mastitis, dog bites, lacerations, thiamine deficiency, parasitism, fractures, bloat and more! We will also discuss preventative medicine in the form of good management practices.
Sat AM
1/2 Day
Beginner to expert: something for everyone raising fiber animals

Materials provided
Please bring
Notetaking equipment of thier choice, cell phone if they would like to participate in a trivia game at the end.
Sucessful Yarn Substitution
It can be nerve-wracking to switch the yarn on a project, but sometimes necessary. Learning how to pick a successful substitute yarn means you?ll never have to abandon a pattern written for a discontinued yarn, knit a sweater too warm for the climate, or choose from a line of colors you don?t like. We?ll talk about all of the considerations, with a special focus on fiber content and yarn construction.
Sat PM
1/2 Day
All levels

Materials provided
Fiber and yarn samples
Please bring
Optional: 1-2 patterns for which you'd like to find substitute yarns
I've just bought a fleece - now what do I DO with it??
You're a spinner or a spinner wannabe who has taken (or will be taking) the plunge and purchased your first sheep fleece and want to know how to process it, or you've tried to process a fleece and had results that you are less than pleased with. This is the class for you. We'll look in depth at a fleece, talk about skirting, soaking, washing, picking, and carding or combing, plus get hands-on experience with each process. Bring a sheep fleece with you if you've just bought one or have one you'd like looked at, and we'll give you advice and help with it! The focus in this class is on sheep wool, but if you bring raw mohair or alpaca and time permits, we'll discuss them too.
Sat PM
1/2 Day
None, but it helps to love the smell of raw wool!

Materials provided
Handout and wool to analyze and work with in class
Please bring
Hand cards or combs if you have them
Needle-felted longwool sheep or Angora goat
Students will learn the basics of needle felting and create an adorable fluffy freestanding sheep or Angora goat
Sat PM
1/2 Day

Materials provided
All wool, longwool locks and materials will be provided to complete one 5x6 inch sheep or Angora goat. Students will take home a reusable needle felting kit.
Please bring
Magic Balls of Color: Fiber Preparation with Color
Let's explore ways to play with colors from your stash - we will take a look at the color wheel and color theory, and then you will take 5 colors from your personal stash to play with. It's going to be a roll-your-own adventure, you can have *any* five colors - 5 shades of green, 5 neutrals, 5 random colors from your stash. Amelia does recommend all 5 be fibers you have spun before, with similar staple lengths.
We will walk through ways to work with your colors, choose from among your five, to make new colors, develop ombres, and spin striping yarns. Your fiber should be roving, top, or batts already prior to class.
As we explore the techniques, you will wind magic balls that you can spin during and after class. Why are they magic? They let you be consistent in your color order and make all that planning pay off! If you want, you can leave your wheel/spindle/e-spinner behind for this class and bring more fiber.
Sat PM
1/2 Day
Must already be comfortable with drafting fiber

Materials provided
Handout of techniques
Please bring
Bring a total of 2-4 ounces of roving and/or top and/or batts from your stash, in a variety of colors. Solid colors and semi-solids will work for this technique, if you are unsure, email a picture of your fibers to me before class (ameliagarripoli-at-gmail.com). Our technique uses only your hands, no fiber prep tools are used.
Choosing colors from your stash!
Spinning 101 - Get to Know Your Wheel
Have you ever wanted to learn how to spin your own yarn? It?s fun, it?s relaxing, and I can show you how! In this beginning class, you?ll learn about wheels, spinning methods, best fiber for beginning spinners, and basic wheel maintenance. In the morning, we'll start with getting to know your wheel and how it works. After lunch, we'll move on to spinning singles and then plying. By the time you leave, you will have a basic understanding of your wheel and the skills to start spinning on your own. There is no experience needed and I?ll provide the fiber, tools, and a resource guide to get you on your way ? you just bring yourself and your wheel.
Sun All Day
Full Day

Materials provided
Materials include 2-3 ounces of prepared fiber for spinning in class, a WPI tool, and a resource guide with handouts, tips, and tricks.
Please bring
Students will need to bring their own spinning wheel with at least three empty bobbins and a lazy kate. Students should have a basic understanding of how their wheel works and all wheels must be in good working order and ready to use.
Test your wheel!
Dyeing To Spin Create Colors and Paint Fibers for Consistency and Repeatability
While dyeing fibers can be fun and exciting (and nail bitingly thrilling when it?s done randomly!), sometimes you want to dye the same colors consistently. This class will show you easy techniques that will help you achieve consistent colors over multiple batches of fiber, and then how to use the consistently dyed fiber to achieve multiple results when it?s spun.
We will cover the basics of the color wheel, discuss and do color mixing, and then do hands on dyeing of two samples of roving. You will leave the class with two samples of dyed roving, know how to repeat any color and pattern when you dye fibers, and the knowledge to spin your dyed roving at least three ways (fractal) to achieve unique results from one source.
Sun All Day
Full Day
Beginning to Advanced

Materials provided
? Fiber for dyeing ? Dyes ? Use of dyeing equipment during class (pots, saran wrap, mixing spoons, measuring spoons and cups, towels, hot plates, etc. ? Detailed Handout
Please bring
? Apron ? Rubber gloves ? Mask if desired ? Pen/Pencil
Mosaic knitting
Mosaic knitting (aka slip stitch knitting) is the most basic form of knitting in color while using just one color at a time. This technique eliminates handling multiple working yarns and puckering designs. In this class, we'll cover how to read a chart, pro's and con's to this technique and practice working on several design charts.
Sun AM
1/2 Day
Advanced beginner

Materials provided
Class workbook, mosaic hat pattern
Please bring
4 partial skeins of worsted weight yarn in solid contrasting colors. Please no variegated, thick or thin or similar shades of same colors. US# 7-9 needles, highlighter tape for the chart, basic knitting supplies.
Amigurumi Antics
Join the Amigurumi Antics! Amigurumi is the extremely popular art of crocheting or knitting small, stuffed yarn creatures and things. The term comes from two Japanese words ?ami? meaning crocheted or knitted, and ?nuigurumi? which means stuffed doll. Antics was added to the title of this class because it is so fun to crochet cute little 3D creatures that come alive right before your eyes. In this class we will be creating a little sheep while we learn, discuss, and practice the following skills/techniques of crocheting Amigurumi: basic stitches and tension, getting started options including magic ring, crocheting in the round and in spirals, increasing and decreasing stitches, adding new yarn/color, and finishing techniques. Once you have crochet this little guy you will be prepared to join the millions of other crocheters that have fallen down the Amigurumi rabbit hole!
Sun AM
1/2 Day
Student can single crochet.

Materials provided
Handouts, pattern, eyes, embroidery floss, and stuffing material
Please bring
Please bring approximately 100 yards of worsted weight yarn for the main body (sheep color), 50 yards for the head (contrasting sheep color), and 25 yards of black or brown for the feet, size H and G crochet hooks, scissors, several crochet stitch markers, and large eyed yarn needle
Learn to Spin: Turkish style spindles
Have you wanted to spin, but desire to be mobile? Let's assemble our spindles and get you started! Amelia's fun, can-do personality will set you on the road to making yarn with her creative Turkish-style spindle.
We'll learn all the basics of handling prepared fiber, drafting and twisting it into yarn, building your first yarn turtle, then your second, and wrap up with plying your first skeinlet. You will have a new skill and a new spindle to take away from this workshop
Sun AM
1/2 Day

Materials provided
Amelia's pencil spindle, fiber to spin, handout
Please bring
A sense of adventure and desire to spin!
Combing and Carding for Spinning Success
Do you wonder if you need hand cards, combs, or both? Do you have hand cards and/or wool combs that you wish you knew how to use or want to be more comfortable using them? Are you thinking of investing in a drum carder or blending board? We'll look at the various types of tools as well as the types of fibers that work well with the various types of each. We'll also look at color blending on both cards and combs.
Sun AM
1/2 Day
Able to spin a consistent singles yarn

Materials provided
All fibers to be used in class, equipment for class use including a drum carder
Please bring
Hand cards and/combs if you have them, a number of sets will be available in class for use
None - please do not buy cards or combs for the class!
Seaming & Finishing for Knitting and Crochet
Neat seaming and finishing make such a difference in a handmade project, but so many knitters and crocheters don?t feel confident in their finishing skills. We will cover weaving in ends, seaming in various directions, picking up stitches, and buttonholes.
Sun AM
1/2 Day
All levels

Materials provided
Please bring
Three stockinette stitch or single crochet swatches made with similar weight yarns (fine to use old gauge swatches), additional yarn in a similar size, knitting needles or crochet hooks in an appropriate size for your yarn, darning needle. Optional: a project ready to seam and finish, swatches in other stitch patterns.
Make three stocking stitch or single crochet swatches made with similar weight yarns (or use old gauge swatches)
Needle-felted Sheep Christmas stocking
Students will learn the basics of needle felting and create an adorable winter sheep design on a canvas Christmas stocking.
Sun AM
1/2 Day

Materials provided
All materials will be provided to complete a finished project in class. Students will take home a reusable needle felting kit.
Please bring
Bavarian Twist knitting
Bavarian knitting is a classic style of knitting known for it's traveling stitches and it's well-defined stitches. Bavarian knitting is simply twisted knits and 2 stitch cables that don't require a cable needle to offset beautiful patterns making it simply elegant. Understanding Bavarian charts make this technique super easy to follow. In class, we practice reading a chart and working cables without a cable needle.
Sun PM
1/2 Day
Advanced beginner

Materials provided
Class workbook, hat and gaitor pattern
Please bring
1 skein of chunky yarn and US#11 16" circular needles (must be 16" tip to tip, no magic loop or 2 sets of circular needles for class please). Highlighting tape for charts and basic knitting supples.
Darning and Beyond - Mending handmade or Store bought Knits
Does your favorite hand-knit scarf have pesky moth holes? Is your big toe peeking through the end of your sock? Do the cuffs of your store-bought sweater need some love? Or do you just want the confidence to take apart and re-knit your cherished hand-knit pieces? Join Elise for a truly enlightening class as we re-learn the age old skills of mending. Together, we?ll look at how to ?read? your knitting to choose the right fix. We?ll start with reinforcing thin areas, move on to an invisible reknit for small areas, and end by learning how to do the classic darn on large holes.
Sun PM
1/2 Day

Materials provided
You will be given a knitted swatch to destroy and then mend. This will be yours to take home. All tools and yarn for this process will be provided for class, but also available to purchase after the class.
Please bring
Any items to be mended, we won't finish them in class, but we'll talk about their unique needs. Also bring any mending tools you might have, although all required tools for class will be provided.
Stranded Colorwork Knitting
Fair Isle, "Faux" Isle, Scandinavian colorwork, and slipped stitches ? we will explain them all in this class. Some of the techniques/topics to be covered will include yarn manipulation for Continental and English style knitters, tension, yarn floats and what to do about them, color choices - traditional and otherwise, and reading color charts. The hands-on focus will be Fair Isle type colorwork, and we'll begin a headband/hat that will incorporate some popular stitch patterns.
Sun PM
1/2 Day
Advanced beginner to Intermediate. You should be comfortable with knitting, purling, and common knitting abbreviations

Materials provided
Handout and Pattern
Please bring
1 skein of smooth solid-colored worsted weight wool or wool blend, and 50-100 yards each of 3 additional colors of similar worsted weight yarn. The colors should coordinate but the colors should not be too similar. For example, a good combination could be medium gray, royal blue, light green, and cream. You will also need to bring needles in size 7. It is helpful to bring supplies to assist in using color charts, such as large post-it type sticky notes, magnet boards, or highlighters; also stitch markers, tapestry needle, scissors
Mosaic Zippered Clutch
In this workshop we will be making little clutches with stunning mosaic crochet patterns that are ideal for gifts. To create these little gems, we?ll first discuss options for placing stitches around a zipper. Then we will pick up and crochet into the stitches and begin mosaic crocheting in the round. Along the way we will learn the overlay mosaic crochet method and how to read a mosaic chart. We will also discuss how to line our little bags even though they are great without a lining.
Sun PM
1/2 Day
Can single crochet and double crochet

Materials provided
Pattern/handouts and kit with yarn and zipper
Please bring
Size B and size F crochet hooks, scissors, sharp tapestry needle, and several crochet stitch markers
Drop Spindle Basics
Students will learn how to spin yarn from wool roving, a small batt and assorted locks using a fancy stone top whorl drop spindle of their choice, and theirs to keep.
Sun PM
1/2 Day

Materials provided
All materials will be provided to learn how to spin wool into yarn. Students will take home a fancy Stone drop spindle, written instructions, and fiber to continue practicing.
Please bring
Upgrade your Power Spinning
It's time to upgrade your power spinning! Sure, you're making yarn, but have you explored your e-spinner's capabilities? See what happens when you adjust tension, speed, and spinning style! We'll explore the impact of maintenance, twist, thickness, and even switching projects. Then we will discuss spinning different fibers on the espinner as we explore spinning blends. Once we've tried out a few different techniques with singles, we will delve into plying with your e-spinner's new favorite plying technique.
Sun PM
1/2 Day
Students should already be spinning a consistent yarn on their e-spinner - this is not a beginner class.

Materials provided
Fiber for spinning, handout for samples
Please bring
An e-spinner in working condition with 3 bobbins and a lazy kate; it's fine if the bobbins are not empty. You may want to bring some already spun singles to have extra for plying. Battery recommended but we will have some power sources in the room.
Optional - spin some singles to use when plying in class (or just ply what you spun in class).